Saturday, November 01, 2008

Saturday's Update

Dad had another CT Scan this morning and they believe they are seeing a slight improvement. We are very thankful for that slight improvement. At this time, it is believed that it is affecting his right side. He has a slight droop to the right side of his mouth and he has not responded when asked to squeeze with his right hand. If this clot will dissipate and the blood will reabsorb quickly, the doctors do not feel that there will be any lasting damage to his right side, but if it lingers it will be a different scenario. As long as he remains stable throughout the day, then his next CT Scan will be tomorrow morning to recheck everything.

At this point he is still being treated for the yeast infection even though we don't have any results yet. We will not have results from the cultures until 72 hours have passed. That time will be up on Monday morning.

I will do my best to update tomorrow.

Thank you,

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