Saturday, November 08, 2008

Saturday's Update

Dad continues to remain stable. He was up in a chair for around an hour today. He didn't do near as well in the chair today as he did two days ago. But he was able to put one of his socks on before getting in the chair. Just doing that wore him out, so the physical therapist put the other one on for him.

He has been started on feedings through the PEG tube. It seems to be going well. When Mom and I got back from lunch, he asked if we had things written down about the wreck. I was really happy with that because it is the first that he has mentioned the wreck since I have been here. Hopefully this is a sign that things are beginning to clear up in the brain from the last bleed.

He was given aspirin again today and should be started on his blood thinners on Monday if all continues to go well.

Today the cast was removed from his right arm. Therapy should be begin by at least Monday on that arm.

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