Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Baltimore Oriole

During lunch we watched a Baltimore Oriole in a tree out in the backyard. I believe this is the first time I have seen one in this area. Curtis spotted it and pointed it out to the rest of us. He also told us that this is the bird whose nest looks like a hanging bag. When I asked him how he knew this he told me that he had read it in one of the many books he has read. It thrills me to know that he is retaining info like this from books he has read. As you can see the photo is a stock photo and not one of mine. The bird was too far away to get a picture of any merit. A poem about the Oriole.

The Oriole

Hush I 'tis he!
My Oriole, my glance of summer fire
Is come at last;

Heave, ho! Heave, ho! he whistles
Once more, now! and a flash
Lightens across the sunlight to the elm
Where his mate dangles at her cup of felt.


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