Saturday, February 19, 2011

3 in 30 - February Goals - Third Week Check-In

I see that this week we are to include some bit of encouragement that has helped us this past week.  I have not really had anything in the forefront during the week, but the verse that comes to mind as I am typing is "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." - Philippians 4:13

It is hard to fathom that February is about over.  I am quite pleased with the progress I have made with 2 of my 3 goals this month.  

Weight Loss
I have exceeded my goal for the month.  I am down 3 pounds this week.  That makes it 5.5 pounds that I have lost so far this month.  I have done this by making healthy eating choices and exercising 5 days this week.

Purposeful Reading
I have not done near as well with reading to the girls this week.  This definitely has not become a habit yet.  At this point, I am thinking that I will include this goal as one of my three goals again next month.  This week we read Harvey's Hideout by Russell Hoban , Peppe the Lamplighter by Elisa Bartone, and Donkey, Donkey by Roger Duvosin. My oldest girl also reads a lot on her own and they both listen to stories/books on CD.  So I am not worried about a lack of hearing or reading good books, but there is just something extra special about reading together. It is a great way to spend quality time together, and it is fun to share the experience of a good book with your child(ren).

Recipe Organization
I am not finished with my recipe organization yet, but I am happy with my progress. I have put many more recipes in binders this week. I currently have three large binders with recipes.  I am thinking I may need a fourth binder before I am done.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Teri Johnson said...

WOW on the weight loss goal, that's GREAT!! Keep on that girl. =)

Sounds like progress and moving forward for February! Good luck as you wrap up this last week. Stopping over from the 3 in 30 link up. =)

Keeping it Personal,
Teri Johnson